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联系地址: 广东省湛江市麻章区海大路1号广东海洋大学海洋与气象学院 海科楼504 

email: xiell@gdou.edu.cn



南海西北陆架垂向环流动力诊断及其季节变, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2018.1-2021.12

南海多尺度动力过程及其生物地球化学效应, 广东省普通高校创新团队项目, 2020.1-2023.12

粤西陆架三维环流及物质输送研究, 广东省“冲一流”专项资金项目, 2019.5-2022.5

南海scs-ygst02区块海洋环境参数遥感调查ii期, 国家海洋局全球气候变化专项子课题, 2017.1-2020.12

印尼贯穿流源区海洋动力与海气交换过程, 国家海洋局全球气候变化专项子课题, 2016.1-2019.12

热带气旋对琼东上升流动力过程和物质输送的影响机制研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2015.1-2018.12



《regional oceanography of the south china sea》, hu j., c-r. ho, l. xie., and q. zheng eds.,world scientific, 2020


huang r., l. xie*, q. zheng, m. li, p. bai, k. tan, statistical analysis of mesoscale eddy propagation velocity in the south china sea deep basin, acta oceanologica sinica, 2020,  in press.

chen b., l. xie*, q. zheng, l. zhou, l. wang, b. feng and z. yu (2020): seasonal variability of mesoscale eddies in the banda sea inferred from altimeter data, acta oceanologica sinica, in press.

wang l., l. xie*, q. zheng, j. li, m. li, y. hou (2020):tropical cyclone enhanced vertical transport in the northwestern south china sea i: mooring observation analysis for washi (2005),  estuary, coastal and shelf science, 235 (2020): 106599

zheng q., l. xie*, x. xiong, x. hu and l. chen (2020): progress in research of submesoscale processes in the south china sea, acta oceanologica sinica, 39(1), 1–13.

bai p., j. yang, l. xie, s. zhang, z. ling (2020): effect of topography on the cold water region in the east entrance area of qiongzhou strait,  estuarine coastal and shelf science, 2020, 242, 106820.

bai p., z. ling , s. zhang, l. xie, j. yang (2020): fast-changing upwelling off the west coast of hainan island, , ocean modelling, 148, 101589.

j. yang, s. jiang, j. wu, l. xie, s. zhang and p. bai (2020): effects of wave-current interaction on the waves, cold-water mass and transport of diluted water in the beibu gulf, , acta oceanologica sinica, 39(1), 25–40.

xie l., q. zheng, j. li, m. li and c-r. ho (2020): responses of the south china sea to mesoscale disturbances from the pacific, in book: regiona oceanography of the south china sea.

xie l. and m. li (2019): response of coastal upwelling east of hainan island in the south china sea to sudden impact and long-term variability of atmospheric forcing, in book: estuaries and coastal zones - dynamics and response to environmental changes, doi: 10.5772/intechopen.88828

xu y., j. liu, l xie*, c. sun, j. liu, j. li and d xian (2019): china-france oceanography satellite (cfosat) simultaneously observes the typhoon-induced wind and wave fields, acta oceanologica sinica, 38, 11, 158–161

shi y., l. xie*, q. zheng, s. zhang, m. li, j.li (2019): unusual coastal ocean cooling in the northern south china sea by a katabatic cold jet associated with typhoon mujigea(2015), acta oceanologica sinica, 38(5), 62-75.  

wang l., l. zhou, l. xie*, q. zheng, q. li, m. li (2019): seasonal and interannual variability of water mass sources of indonesia throughflow in the maluku sea and the halmahera sea, acta oceanologica sinica, 38(4), 58-71.

zheng q., c-r. ho, l. xie* and m. li (2019): a case study of a kuroshio main path cut-off event and impacts on the south china sea in fall-winter 2013-2014, acta oceanologica sinica, 38(4), 12-19.

bai p., j. yang, s.  zhang, l. xie, j. wu (2019): upwelling off the west coast of hainan island: sensitivity to wave-mixing, , acta oceanologica sinica, 38(11), 11–19.

xie l., q. zheng, s. zhang, j. hu, m. li, j. li and y. xu (2018): the rossby normal modes in the south china sea deep basin evidenced by satellite altimetry, international journal of remote sensing, 39(2), 399-417.

li m., l. xie*, s. zhang, l. zhou, j. li (2018): the cruise observation of turbulent mixing in the upwelling region east of hainan island in the summer of 2012, acta oceanologica sinica, 37(9),1-12.

yu j., q. zheng, z. jing, y. qi, s. zhang, l. xie (2018):  satellite observations of sub-mesoscale vortex trains in the western boundary of the south china sea, journal of marine systems, 183, 56-62.

shi y., l. xie*, q. zheng, s. zhang, m. li, j. li (2018): unusual coastal ocean cooling in the northern south china sea by a katabatic cold jet associated with typhoon mujigea (2015), acta oceanologica sinica, in press.

wang l., l. zhou, l. xie*, q. zheng, q. li, and m. li (2018): seasonal and interannual variability of water mass sources of indonesia throughflow in the maluku sea and the halmahera sea, acta oceanologica sinica, in press

xie l., p-s. enric, q. zheng, s. zhang, x. zong, x. yi, and m. li (2017): diagnosis of 3-d vertical circulation in the upwelling and frontal zones east of hainan island, china, journal of physical oceanography, 47(4), 755-774.

xie l., and q. zheng (2017): new insight to the south china sea: rossby normal modes, acta oceanologica sinica, 36(7), 1-3.

xie l., x. ye (2017): ocean sub-mesoscale dynamics research benefiting from novel radar imaging technologies, oceanography & fisheries open access journal, 4(3): ofoaj.ms.id.555637.

xie l., q. zheng, j. tian, s. zhang, y. feng and x. yi (2016): rossby waves with finite wavelengths propagating from the pacific to the scs, journal of physical oceanography, 47(4), 755-774.

li j., q. zheng, j. hu, l. xie, j. zhu and z fan (2016): a case study of winter storm-induced continental shelf waves in the northern south china sea in winter 2009, continental shelf research, 125, 127-135.

xie l., m. li and m. li (2015): observational analysis of double diffusion convection in the deep canada basin, acta oceanologica sinica, 34(11), 71-79.

xie l., q. chen, j. hu, s. zhang, x. yi, f. chen, x. deng, r. deng, j. wang and y. qi (2015): 3-d observations of a red tide event in the offshore water along the western guangdong coast, acta oceanologic sinica, 34(1), 159-161.

jing z., y. qi, y. du, s. zhang, and l. xie (2015): summer upwelling and thermal fronts in the northwestern south china sea: observational analysis of two mesoscale mapping surveys, journal of geophysical research, 120, 1993–2006.

zhang s., l. xie*, y. hou, h. zhao, y. qi and x. yi (2014): tropical storm-induced turbulent mixing and chlorophyll-a enhancement in the continental shelf southeast of hainan island, journal of marine systems, 129, 405-414.

li min, l. xie*, q. yang and j. tian (2014): impact of eddies on ocean diapycnal mixing in gulf stream region, science china, 57(6), 1407-1414.

zhang s., l. xie, h. zhao and y. hou (2014): tropical storm-forced near-inertial energy dissipation in the southeast continental shelf region of hainan island, science china, 57(8),1879-1884.

wang q., x. wang, l. xie, q. shang and y. lu (2014): observed water current and transport through qiongzhou strait during august 2010, chinese journal of oceanology and liminology, 32(3), 704-408.

zhao w., c. zhou, j. tian, q. yang, b. wang, l. xie and t. qu (2014): deep water circulation in the luzon strait, journal of geophysical research, 119(2), 790-804.

yang q., j. tian, w. zhao, l. xie (2013): turbulent dissipation and mixing in prydz bay, chinese journal of oceanology and limnology, 31(2), 445-453.  

zhang s., l. xie*, r. cao and h. zhao (2012): observation of upper-ocean mixing in the region west of the luzon strait in spring, journal of coastal research, 28(5), 1208-1213.

zhang s., r. cao and l. xie (2012): energy dissipation through wind-generated breaking waves, chinese journal of oceanology and limnology, 30(5), 156-159.

xie l., j. tian, s. zhang, y. zhang and q. yang (2011): an anticyclonic eddy in the intermediate layer of the luzon strait in autumn 2005, journal of oceanography, 67(1), 37-46.

xie l., j. tian, d. hu and f. wang (2009): a quasi-synoptic interpretation of water mass distribution and circulation in the western north pacific: i. water mass distribution, chinese journal of oceanology and limnology, 27(3), 630-639.

xie l.*, j. tian, d. hu and f. wang (2009): a quasi-synoptic interpretation of water mass distribution and circulation in the western north pacific: ii circulation, chinese journal of oceanology and limnology, 27(4), 955-965.

zhang y., j. tian, and l. xie (2009): estimate of eddy viscosity on the south china sea shelf with adjoint assimilation method, acta oceanology sinica, 28(5), 9-16.

tian j, q. yang, x. liang, l. xie, d. hu, f. wang and t. qu (2006): observation of luzon strait transport, geophysical research letter, 33, l19607, doi:10.1029/2006gl026272.

沈煜帆,经至友,谭可易,谢玲玲*(2019):琼东上升流和越南沿岸上升流对超强厄尔尼诺事件响应的对比分析, 海洋科学进展,37(3),374-386。

王露, 谢玲玲*, 周磊, 李强, 石雨鑫, 李明明(2018):印尼贯穿流源区马鲁古海和哈马黑拉海水团来源的气候态分析, 海洋学报, 40(3):1-15.

谭可易, 张彪, 谢玲玲*(2018): 基于emd 方法的sar 海浪参数反演, 广东海洋大学学报, 38(4): 77-84.

郑曼立, 李明明, 谢玲玲, 洪颖彬, 何云开, 宗晓龙 (2018): 2012年南海西北陆架冬季水文特征的观测分析,海洋与湖沼, 49(4), 734-745.

王丽菊, 李君益*, 谢玲玲, 陈法锦, 王 露, 石雨鑫, 郑曼立(2018): 冬春季湖光岩玛珥湖水文特征的观测分析, 广东海洋大学学报, 38(1), 66-72.

沈煜帆, 经志友, 谭可易, 谢玲玲* (2018):  琼东上升流和越南沿岸上升流对超强厄尔尼诺事件响应的对比分析,海洋科学进展,待刊

谢玲玲, 何超凤, 李明明, 田晶晶, 经志友 (2017): 琼东上升流区海表温度对台风过境的响应, 海洋科学进展, 35(1): 1~13.

郑全安, 谢玲玲*, 郑志文, 胡建宇 (2017): 南海中尺度涡研究进展, 海洋科学进展, 35(2), 131-158.

石雨鑫, 谢玲玲*, 李明明, 王露, 郑曼立, 沈煜帆 (2017): 台风“彩虹”对粤西近岸海表温度和叶绿素浓度的影响, 广东海洋大学学报, 37(3), 1-10.

谢玲玲, 宗晓龙, 伊小飞, 李敏 (2016): 琼东上升流的年际变化及长期变化趋势, 海洋与湖沼, 47(1), 43-51.

郑全安,谢玲玲* (2016): 合成孔径雷达探测海底地形研究进展, 海洋科学进展, 34(2), 1-16.

陈法锦, 曾珍, 孟亚飞, 朱庆梅, 谢玲玲, 张书文, 陈清香, 陈建芳(2016): 2013年夏季琼东海域营养盐与叶绿素a的周日波动及其影响因素, 海洋学报, 38(4), 76-83.

李敏, 谢玲玲*, 杨庆轩, 田纪伟 (2014): 湾流区涡旋对海洋垂向混合的影响, 中国科学, 44(4), 744-752.

朱凤芹, 成印河, 谢玲玲 (2014): 南海温度锋的分布特征及季节变化, 海洋与湖沼, 45(4), 695-702.

谢玲玲, 郭心顺, 张艳伟, 康建军 (2013): ladcp底跟踪参考速度问题分析, 海洋技术, 32(2), 1-5.

赵辉, 张书文, 侯一筠, 谢玲玲, 曹瑞雪 (2013): 热带风暴“天鹰”对南海西部浮游植物叶绿素浓度的影响, 热带海洋学报, 32(5), 99-106.

曹瑞雪, 张书文, 谢玲玲 (2013): 热带气旋过程中的近惯性振荡解及频散关系, 海洋科学进展, 31(1), 38-42.

谢玲玲, 张书文, 赵辉(2012): 琼东上升流研究概述, 热带海洋学报, 31(4),1-8。

谢玲玲, 曹瑞雪, 尚庆通(2012): 粤西近岸环流研究进展, 广东海洋大学学报, 32(4), 1-5.

朱凤芹, 谢玲玲*(2012): , 广东海洋大学学报, 32(4), 59-62.

谢玲玲, 尚庆通(2012): ldeo软件包处理ladcp数据的过程详解, 中国科技信息, 16, 88-89.

谢玲玲, 熊学军, 杨庆轩, 张艳伟 (2009): ladcp 配置文件和质量控制的参数设定, 海洋技术, 28(1), 19-2

杨少磊, 谢玲玲, 杨庆轩 (2008): sbe911plus ctd 剖面仪的现场校正与数据处理, 海洋技术, 27(3), 23-30.

杨丽芬,田纪伟,谢玲玲(2008): 南海北部陆坡区混合过程观测, 海洋科学, 32(12), 10-16.


