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作者:向显均来源:海洋与气象学院 阅读次数:次 日期:2022-12-05


王超 博士


1. 个人履历 brief cv





2. 主要教学 teaching

[1] 理论教学theoretics courses






[2] 实验及实践experiment and practice






3. 研究方向 research interests


study on the organic carbon cycle across the watershed-river-estuary-coastal sea-open ocean continuum under the influences of climate change and human activities using the technologies of spectral analyses (absorption and fluorescence), element-isotope analysis (doc, don, 13c, 15n) and ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry (ft-icr-ms).

4. 指导学生 students


[1] 姚思琦,2015-2021年湛江湾大气湿沉降溶解有机质的光谱特征及调控机制.(获评校优秀毕业论文)

[2] 刘逸林,粤西地下水排泄溶解有机质的光谱特征及入海通量研究.(获评院优秀毕业论文)

[3] 林芝,南海北部陆架区有色溶解有机质的分布特征及对锋面过程的响应.(获评院优秀毕业论文)

[4] 刘展华,南海北部陆架区有色溶解有机质的分布特征及对锋面过程的响应.

[5] 梁颖熙,滤膜孔径和储存方式对天然水体溶解有机物光谱的影响.


[1] 湛江湾溶解有机碳周转过程对台风和升温的响应研究,校级,2022.07-2024.06,胡萱羽(项目负责人)、文静、程秋雨、常航瑞、袁敏箐(在研,合作导师:黄鹏)

[2] 全球升温趋势下雨水有机碳在海洋中的归宿研究-以东亚热带季风区为例,校级,2021.07-2022.06,董天佑(项目负责人)、梁明明、杨文娟、叶仪群(已结题)

5. 科研项目 programs

[1] 人类活动和全球升温压力下北部湾溶解有机碳来源和周转过程的响应研究,自然资源部第四海洋研究所开放基金,5万,主持,2022.10-2024.10(在研)

[2] 南海西北部大气湿沉降来源有机质的归宿及对全球升温的响应,广东海洋大学海洋科学青年教师培育项目,4万,主持,2021.07-2022.07(结题)

[3] 广东海洋大学科研启动项目,30万,主持,2021.04-2024.04(在研)

6. 代表性论文(*代表通讯作者) selected publications (*corresponding author)

[1] chao wang*, xuanyu hu, yilin liu, guangzhe jin* (2022), sources, spectral characteristics and fluxes of dissolved organic matter in coastal groundwater and river water in western guangdong, china, frontiers in environmental sciences, (sci 3区,accepted).

[2] yafeng zhong, gang pan, hui zhao*, chao wang* (2022), characteristics of dissolved organic matter in a semi-closed bay in summer: insights from stable isotope and optical analyses, frontiers in marine science, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.956930. (sci 2区,top期刊)

[3] chao wang, weidong guo*, yan li, randy a. dahlgren, xianghui guo, liyin qu, wei zhuang (2021), temperature-regulated turnover of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in global dark marginal basins, geophysical research letters, 48, e2021gl094035. doi: 10.1029/2021gl094035. (sci 1区,top期刊)

[4] chao wang, yizhen li, yan li, hui zhou, aron stubbins, randy a. dahlgren, zhiheng wang, weidong guo* (2021), dissolved organic matter dynamics in the epipelagic northwest pacific low-latitude western boundary current system: insights from optical analyses, journal of geophysical research: oceans, 126, e2021jc017458, doi: 10.1029/2021jc017458. (sci 2区,top期刊)

[5] chao wang, weidong guo*, yan li, aron stubbins, yizhen li, guodong song (2017), hydrological and biogeochemical controls on absorption and fluorescence of dissolved organic matter in the northern south china sea, journal of geophysical research: biogeosciences, 122, 3405-3418, doi: 10.1002/2017jg004100. (sci 2)
