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作者:gxq来源:海洋与气象学院 阅读次数:次 日期:2019-09-06




联系地址: 广东省湛江市麻章区海大路1号广东海洋大学海洋与气象学院 海503











regional oceanography of the south china sea, hu j., c-r. ho, l. xie., and q. zheng eds.,world scientific, 2020



zheng m., l. xie*, q. zheng, m. li, f. chen, j. li (2021). volume and nutrient transports distribution disturbed by the typhoon chebi (2013) in the upwelling zone east of hainan island, china. journal of marine science and engineering, 9, 324.

li m., c. li*, l. xie*, w. huang, q. zheng, k. tan, y. hong (2021). astronomical tide and storm surge signals observed in an isolated inland maar lake near the coast. journal of marine science and engineering, 9, 485

li q., l. zhou , l. xie* (2021). seasonal and interannual variability of eape in the south china sea derived from ecco2 data from 1997 to 2019. water, 13, 926.

li, j., q. zheng, m. li, q. li, l. xie*(2021). spatiotemporal distributions of ocean color elements in response to tropical cyclone: a case study of typhoon mangkhut (2018) past over the northern south china sea. remote sensing, 13(4), 687.

li j., h. zheng, l. xie, q. zheng, z. ling, m. li* (2021). r, remote sensing, 13 (15), 2863.

huang r., l. xie*, q. zheng, m. li, p. bai, k. tan (2020), statistical analysis of mesoscale eddy propagation velocity in the south china sea deep basin, acta oceanologica sinica, 39(11),  91-102.

chen b., l. xie*, q. zheng, l. zhou, l. wang, b. feng and z. yu (2020): seasonal variability of mesoscale eddies in the banda sea inferred from altimeter data, acta oceanologica sinica, 39(12), 11-20.

wang l., l. xie*, q. zheng, j. li, m. li, y. hou (2020):tropical cyclone enhanced vertical transport in the northwestern south china sea i: mooring observation analysis for washi (2005),  estuary, coastal and shelf science, 235 (2020): 106599

zheng q., l. xie*, x. xiong, x. hu and l. chen (2020): progress in research of submesoscale processes in the south china sea, acta oceanologica sinica, 39(1), 1–13.

 li m. and l. xie (2020): diapycnal mixing and vertical circulation on the continental shelf of the northern south china sea, chapter12, in book: regional oceanography of the south china sea.

bai p., j. yang, l. xie, s. zhang, z. ling (2020): effect of topography on the cold water region in the east entrance area of qiongzhou strait,  estuarine coastal and shelf science, 2020, 242, 106820.

bai p., z. ling , s. zhang, l. xie, j. yang (2020): fast-changing upwelling off the west coast of hainan island, , ocean modelling, 148, 101589.

j. yang, s. jiang, j. wu, l. xie, s. zhang and p. bai (2020): effects of wave-current interaction on the waves, cold-water mass and transport of diluted water in the beibu gulf, , acta oceanologica sinica, 39(1), 2540.

xie l., q. zheng, j. li, m. li and c-r. ho (2020): responses of the south china sea to mesoscale disturbances from the pacific, in book: regional oceanography of the south china sea.

xie l. and m. li (2019): response of coastal upwelling east of hainan island in the south china sea to sudden impact and long-term variability of atmospheric forcing, in book: estuaries and coastal zones - dynamics and response to environmental changes, doi: 10.5772/intechopen.88828

xu y., j. liu, l xie*, c. sun, j. liu, j. li and d xian (2019): china-france oceanography satellite (cfosat) simultaneously observes the typhoon-induced wind and wave fields, acta oceanologica sinica, 38, 11, 158–161

shi y., l. xie*, q. zheng, s. zhang, m. li, j.li (2019): unusual coastal ocean cooling in the northern south china sea by a katabatic cold jet associated with typhoon mujigea(2015), acta oceanologica sinica, 38(5), 62-75.  

wang l., l. zhou, l. xie*, q. zheng, q. li, m. li (2019): seasonal and interannual variability of water mass sources of indonesia throughflow in the maluku sea and the halmahera sea, acta oceanologica sinica, 38(4), 58-71. 

zheng q., c-r. ho, l. xie* and m. li (2019): a case study of a kuroshio main path cut-off event and impacts on the south china sea in fall-winter 2013-2014, acta oceanologica sinica, 38(4), 12-19.

bai p., j. yang, s.  zhang, l. xie, j. wu (2019): upwelling off the west coast of hainan island: sensitivity to wave-mixing, , acta oceanologica sinica, 38(11), 1119.

xie l., q. zheng, s. zhang, j. hu, m. li, j. li and y. xu (2018): the rossby normal modes in the south china sea deep basin evidenced by satellite altimetry, international journal of remote sensing, 39(2), 399-417.

li m., l. xie*, s. zhang, l. zhou, j. li (2018): the cruise observation of turbulent mixing in the upwelling region east of hainan island in the summer of 2012, acta oceanologica sinica, 37(9),1-12.

yu j., q. zheng, z. jing, y. qi, s. zhang, l. xie (2018):  satellite observations of sub-mesoscale vortex trains in the western boundary of the south china sea, journal of marine systems, 183, 56-62.

wang l., l. zhou, l. xie*, q. zheng, q. li, and m. li (2018): seasonal and interannual variability of water mass sources of indonesia throughflow in the maluku sea and the halmahera sea, acta oceanologica sinica, in press

xie l., p-s. enric, q. zheng, s. zhang, x. zong, x. yi, and m. li (2017): diagnosis of 3-d vertical circulation in the upwelling and frontal zones east of hainan island, china, journal of physical oceanography, 47(4), 755-774.

xie l., and q. zheng (2017): new insight to the south china sea: rossby normal modes, acta oceanologica sinica, 36(7), 1-3.

xie l., x. ye (2017): ocean sub-mesoscale dynamics research benefiting from novel radar imaging technologies, oceanography & fisheries open access journal, 4(3): ofoaj.ms.id.555637. 

xie l., q. zheng, j. tian, s. zhang, y. feng and x. yi (2016): rossby waves with finite wavelengths propagating from the pacific to the scs, journal of physical oceanography, 47(4), 755-774.

li j., q. zheng, j. hu, l. xie, j. zhu and z fan (2016): a case study of winter storm-induced continental shelf waves in the northern south china sea in winter 2009, continental shelf research, 125, 127-135.

xie l., m. li and m. li (2015): observational analysis of double diffusion convection in the deep canada basin, acta oceanologica sinica, 34(11), 71-79. 

xie l., q. chen, j. hu, s. zhang, x. yi, f. chen, x. deng, r. deng, j. wang and y. qi (2015): 3-d observations of a red tide event in the offshore water along the western guangdong coast, acta oceanologic sinica, 34(1), 159-161.

jing z., y. qi, y. du, s. zhang, and l. xie (2015): summer upwelling and thermal fronts in the northwestern south china sea: observational analysis of two mesoscale mapping surveys, journal of geophysical research, 120, 1993–2006.

zhang s., l. xie*, y. hou, h. zhao, y. qi and x. yi (2014): tropical storm-induced turbulent mixing and chlorophyll-a enhancement in the continental shelf southeast of hainan island, journal of marine systems, 129, 405-414.

li min, l. xie*, q. yang and j. tian (2014): impact of eddies on ocean diapycnal mixing in gulf stream region, science china, 57(6), 1407-1414.

zhang s., l. xie, h. zhao and y. hou (2014): tropical storm-forced near-inertial energy dissipation in the southeast continental shelf region of hainan island, science china, 57(8),1879-1884.

wang q., x. wang, l. xie, q. shang and y. lu (2014): observed water current and transport through qiongzhou strait during august 2010, chinese journal of oceanology and liminology, 32(3), 704-408.

zhao w., c. zhou, j. tian, q. yang, b. wang, l. xie and t. qu (2014): deep water circulation in the luzon strait, journal of geophysical research, 119(2), 790-804.

yang q., j. tian, w. zhao, l. xie (2013): turbulent dissipation and mixing in prydz bay, chinese journal of oceanology and limnology, 31(2), 445-453.  

zhang s., l. xie*, r. cao and h. zhao (2012): observation of upper-ocean mixing in the region west of the luzon strait in spring, journal of coastal research, 28(5), 1208-1213.

zhang s., r. cao and l. xie (2012): energy dissipation through wind-generated breaking waves, chinese journal of oceanology and limnology, 30(5), 156-159.

xie l., j. tian, s. zhang, y. zhang and q. yang (2011): an anticyclonic eddy in the intermediate layer of the luzon strait in autumn 2005, journal of oceanography, 67(1), 37-46.

xie l., j. tian, d. hu and f. wang (2009): a quasi-synoptic interpretation of water mass distribution and circulation in the western north pacific: i. water mass distribution, chinese journal of oceanology and limnology, 27(3), 630-639.

xie l.*, j. tian, d. hu and f. wang (2009): a quasi-synoptic interpretation of water mass distribution and circulation in the western north pacific: ii circulation, chinese journal of oceanology and limnology, 27(4), 955-965.

zhang y., j. tian, and l. xie (2009): estimate of eddy viscosity on the south china sea shelf with adjoint assimilation method, acta oceanology sinica, 28(5), 9-16.

tian j, q. yang, x. liang, l. xie, d. hu, f. wang and t. qu (2006): observation of luzon strait transport, geophysical research letter, 33, l19607, doi:10.1029/2006gl026272.

黄润琪, 谢玲玲, 李敏*, 王丽菊 (2021). 湛江湾三维温盐特征季节变化观测分析海洋学报, 43(x)115doi:10.12284/hyxb2021156

梁浩然, 谢玲玲*, 周磊, 郑全安, 李明明 (2021).  印度尼西亚海及周边海域层结的时空变化特征分析.  海洋学报, 2021, 43(5): 63 –78

张桃,李君益* , 谢玲玲, 郑少军, 郑慧源 (2020).东海陆架区中尺度涡运动路径的统计特征及影响因素分析. 海洋学研究, 38(1),77-86.

沈煜帆,经至友,谭可易,谢玲玲*(2019):琼东上升流和越南沿岸上升流对超强厄尔尼诺事件响应的对比分析, 海洋科学进展, 37(3), 374-386

王露, 谢玲玲*, 周磊, 李强, 石雨鑫, 李明明(2018)印尼贯穿流源区马鲁古海和哈马黑拉海水团来源的气候态分析, 海洋学报, 40(3):1-15.

谭可易, 张彪, 谢玲玲*(2018): 基于emd 方法的sar 海浪参数反演, 广东海洋大学学报, 38(4): 77-84.

郑曼立, 李明明*, 谢玲玲, 洪颖彬, 何云开, 宗晓龙 (2018): 2012年南海西北陆架冬季水文特征的观测分析,海洋与湖沼, 49(4), 734-745.

王丽菊, 李君益*, 谢玲玲, 陈法锦, 王 露, 石雨鑫, 郑曼立(2018): 冬春季湖光岩玛珥湖水文特征的观测分析, 广东海洋大学学报, 38(1), 66-72.

谢玲玲, 何超凤, 李明明, 田晶晶, 经志友 (2017): 琼东上升流区海表温度对台风过境的响应, 海洋科学进展, 35(1): 1~13.

郑全安, 谢玲玲*, 郑志文, 胡建宇 (2017): 南海中尺度涡研究进展, 海洋科学进展, 35(2), 131-158.

石雨鑫, 谢玲玲*, 李明明, 王露, 郑曼立, 沈煜帆 (2017): 台风彩虹对粤西近岸海表温度和叶绿素浓度的影响, 广东海洋大学学报, 37(3), 1-10.

玲玲, 宗晓龙, 伊小飞, 李敏 (2016): 琼东上升流的年际变化及长期变化趋势, 海洋与湖沼, 47(1), 43-51.

郑全安,谢玲玲* (2016): 合成孔径雷达探测海底地形研究进展, 海洋科学进展, 34(2), 1-16.

陈法锦, 曾珍, 孟亚飞, 朱庆梅, 谢玲玲, 张书文, 陈清香, 陈建芳(2016): 2013年夏季琼东海域营养盐与叶绿素a的周日波动及其影响因素, 海洋学报, 38(4), 76-83.

李敏, 谢玲玲*, 杨庆轩, 田纪伟 (2014): 湾流区涡旋对海洋垂向混合的影响, 中国科学, 44(4), 744-752.

朱凤芹, 成印河, 谢玲玲 (2014): 南海温度锋的分布特征及季节变化, 海洋与湖沼, 45(4), 695-702.

谢玲玲, 郭心顺, 张艳伟, 康建军 (2013): ladcp底跟踪参考速度问题分析, 海洋技术, 32(2), 1-5.

赵辉, 张书文, 侯一筠, 谢玲玲, 曹瑞雪 (2013): 热带风暴天鹰对南海西部浮游植物叶绿素浓度的影响, 热带海洋学报, 32(5), 99-106.

曹瑞雪, 张书文, 谢玲玲 (2013): 热带气旋过程中的近惯性振荡解及频散关系, 海洋科学进展, 31(1), 38-42.

谢玲玲, 张书文, 赵辉(2012): 琼东上升流研究概述, 热带海洋学报, 31(4),1-8

谢玲玲, 曹瑞雪, 尚庆通(2012): 粤西近岸环流研究进展, 广东海洋大学学报, 32(4), 1-5.

朱凤芹, 谢玲玲*(2012): , 广东海洋大学学报, 32(4), 59-62.

谢玲玲, 尚庆通(2012): ldeo软件包处理ladcp数据的过程详解, 中国科技信息, 16, 88-89.

谢玲玲, 熊学军, 杨庆轩, 张艳伟 (2009): ladcp 配置文件和质量控制的参数设定, 海洋技术, 28(1), 19-2

杨少磊, 谢玲玲, 杨庆轩 (2008): sbe911plus ctd 剖面仪的现场校正与数据处理, 海洋技术, 27(3), 23-30.

杨丽芬,田纪伟,谢玲玲(2008): 南海北部陆坡区混合过程观测, 海洋科学, 32(12), 10-16.

